Marlene Tolley – Standards of dress
Marlene: You always had to have your hair smart, cut if it was too long and went over your collar. I was fortunate I never had long hair, but they would tell you. “Your hair is touching your collar” which looking back, people didn’t wash their hair every day, and I suppose if it rubbed on your collar, you had a dirty collar.
Looking back on these sorts of things, at the time you think ‘oh’, but I think that’s something. You just had to be smart at all times. Your shoes had to be polished or spotless. I think we either had to wear navy or black shoes and when I first started, we didn’t wear heels but then when you get a bit more brave you can wear a heel (laughs).
Simon: And the shoes were something that you left at the shop as well. You didn’t cycle in those.
Marlene: Oh no. Though they were yours, but you wouldn’t wear them on your bike, no.