James Pellow – Running The Coffee Bean
Simon: So, you then went to ‘Coffee Bean.’ Which floor was that on?
James: That’s on the first floor in Cross Street, yes.
Simon: So, to get to it you went through the front entrance and up the stairs.
James: Well, you could go up the main stairs through the Shoe Department and then through to The Coffee Bean or there was a small staircase at the back which went out onto the back entrance by the car park there.
Simon: So, The Coffee Bean transfer, that was an exciting change for you?
James: It was, yes it certainly was. I mean it was a lot busier than the Men’s Department.
Simon: And then what happened? What was the … did you reorganise things?
James: No, I did … I used to make flapjacks I think they were because we used to do the cooking there you know for the … it wasn’t that we didn’t do full meals or anything like that, but I do remember making these flapjacks which became quite successful (laughs).
Simon: I love that, it’s great isn’t it? That it becomes a thing.
James: Yes, and I was speaking to somebody only the other week who worked there as well, and she reminded me and it’s quite true because the coffee was in the Kona Coffee machines, and we used to go around the tables with the coffee jug in one hand and the milk in the other and pour them at the table.
This friend remembered and obviously I remember this terrible phrase, you know going round the table and saying, “Half and half?” (laughs).