James Pellow – How the clothes were displayed
Simon: How were the clothes laid out? Was everything on a hanger or …?
James: Yes, and certainly at Burton’s, ‘cos again I was the Junior, and every morning I had to go along the rails and make sure that all the hangers were level and you know the shoulders of the coats were all level along the rail and of course jumpers and shirts were folded neatly.
Simon: And there was a formula to the folding.
James: Oh yes, definitely.
Simon: So, when people walked in, the experience for them was leave them to browse for a little while, and then approach them? You sort of get to suss out what someone’s intentions are.
James: Again probably in the Ladies Departments, the more formal they would be approached, but I can’t ever remember a formula, you know, I’d probably smile at them and say, “Hello.”